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RTLinux Lightweight TCP/IP Stack

Project Description


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The RTL-lwIP 0.6 distribution differs from the 0.5 distribution in:

  • Up to version 0.6, each time a new driver appeared the RTL-lwIP distribution had to be modified to support that driver. From now on using a driver or another is unimportant. The TCP/IP stack can handle five Ethernet cards at the same time (as maximum) and which drivers handle each card is selected in the rtl_lwipopts.h file.

  • The Makefile has been modified to link the lwIP's support for one, two or more cards (less than five) depending on the parameters declared in the rtl_lwipopts.h file. This optimizes the size of the stack if less than five cards are used (the maximum is set to 5).

The RTL-lwIP 0.5 distribution differs from the 0.4 distribution in:

  • This new release is the porting of the lastest CVS version of lwIP which stands stable (lwIP 1.0.0) while the 0.4 distribution of lwIP was based on lwIP 0.6.1.

  • The RTLinux Ethernet drivers have been separated into another project called REDD (RTLinux Ethernet Device Drivers, You'll need to download the latest REDD release and compile the drivers separately.

  • The dynamic memory allocator called TLSF has also been separated and placed into the REDD project.

The RTL-lwIP 0.4 distribution differs from the 0.3 distribution in:

This release basically solves some bugs found in the 0.3 release that made impossible to run RTL-lwIP with RTLinux-3.2-preX. Changes are:

  • Substituted DIDMA (Dynamic Memory Allocator) with TLSF, which is a DM allocator suitable for embedded systems.

  • The drivers have been modified:
    Threads registration has been removed. Now threads that want to read from a driver, if there is no packet available, got blocked until a packet arrives. This solution is more compliant with the POSIX standard.

  • The Makefile has been completely rewritten.

  • Documentation files have been modified.

The RTL-lwIP 0.3 distribution differs from the 0.2.1 distribution in:

  • New network driver included for the Realtek8139 NIC.

  • Modifications in the net_policy files in order to be used with more than one Ethernet driver at the same time.

The RTL-lwIP 0.2.1 distribution differs from the 0.2 distribution in:

  • Fixed some bugs in the example files.

  • Changed the arp.c file for etharp.c, which fixes some arp.c bugs.

  • Changed the rt_3c905x.c file to use etharp functions instead of arp functions.

  • Changed the Operating System Emulation Layer API (see the Documentation directory).

Last updated: 2004/11/29 11:53 $ (GMT+1)


[29/11/04] RTL-lwIP 0.6 released!!
Download it here (read the changelog).

Archived news.

The REDD project
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The development of this web page and the work it contains has been supported under the Spanish grant TIC2002-04123-C03-03: Reliable Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems based on Components (TRECOM).

Webmaster and project maintainer: Sergio Pérez Alcañiz (serpeal_AT_upvnet_DOT_upv_DOT_es)